Monday, February 24, 2020

Examination skills- preparation and technique Assignment

Examination skills- preparation and technique - Assignment Example Firstly, it cannot be under-emphasized the one of the most effective techniques is to prioritize the study material. For instance, far too many people engage in the process of revising and devote equal amounts of time to each facet of the information that they might be tested upon. This is a flawed strategy due to the fact that certain parts of the information will come cleary and as second nature to the student; by means of comparison, other aspects of the information may be much harder to understand and require a more thorough approach. Similarly, the setting of revision is oftentimes overlooked. For instance, studies have proven that 1 hour of quality and uninterrupted study time is more effective than many hours of continual interrupted study time and/or distractions (Hing Sun, 2005). As such, a particularly useful technique that I have employed in the past is to set aside a give portion of time as a means of studying. In much the same way that other aspects of the day are planned out, revising can be accomplished within a similar technique. A further technique that should be employed is to resist the pitfall of seeking to memorize everything. Even if one has an exceptionally good memory, this particular approach is pointless as it creates little understanding and does not further the educational achievement of the student beyond merely regurgitating information back onto the page. Finally, and perhaps most obviously, the temptation of cramming for exams must be resisted at all costs. Although many students swear by their ability to procrastinate until the very last minute and then stay up for days at a time as a means of rapidly understanding and memorizing key information, studies and research into these techniques have definitively proven that this approach is fundamentally flawed and ultimately leads to a lower overall score as compared to those students that were able to set aside a given amount

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